
16.10.2021  09:16

@CGTN 消息,在重庆,人们依江而生,在火热发展经济的同时,智慧地平衡着与自然的关系。在游客眼中,长江索道是一次新奇的体验;而在重庆人眼中,索道是多年来过江最方便的交通工具,更是他们无法割舍的记忆载体。 

With a population of 32 million people, Chongqing in China's southwest is one of the fastest growing urban centers on earth. It's also a key economic hub on China's longest river. In this episode from our special series "the Mighty Yangtze," CGTN's anchor Li Qiuyuan experiences the city's vibrant and distinctive culture, and its special relationship with the waterway. And she starts us off with a thrilling ride.


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