
20.10.2021  09:10

@CGTN 消息,为了解重庆这座城市的规模,CGTN外籍记者茉莉刚抵达,就来到位于城区中心地带朝天门的来福士,登高欣赏这座都市独特的夜景。重庆来福士是重庆最具标志性的建筑之一,横向的“水晶连廊”将摩天大楼连接起来。她能在观景台上克服恐高症吗?看看就知道了!CGTN reporter Morag has just arrived in Chongqing, and to get an idea of the sheer scale of the city, she's heading up to the Crystal walkway, 250 meters above the ground in Raffle's City Chongqing, to get a unique view of the metropolis at night. Will she conquer her fear of heights on the skywalk? Watch and find out.


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